Stefano Sinigardi


All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
---Ernest Rutherford.


B.S. thesis

My B.S. thesis in Subnuclear Physics (in italian)

"Studio di fattibilità per la ricerca di eventi H->bb accompagnati da un fotone ad alto pT col rivelatore CMS a LHC"


PowerPoint slides I made for my thesis defense



Other works:

- L’evoluzione di un Automa Cellulare Toroidale (in italian)

M.S. thesis

My M.S. thesis in Analytical Mechanics (in english)
"Dynamical aspects of optical acceleration and transport of protons"

PowerPoint slides I made for my thesis defense

Other works:
- Calcoli perturbativi in QED e in QCD (in italian)
- Studio della lunghezza di attenuazione e dell'indice di rifrazione di due detector a scintillazione (in italian)

Ph.D. work

My thesis (unpublished)
"Laser driven proton acceleration and beam shaping"

My Google Scholar page

My GitHub account

- Meccanica Razionale (Prof. T. Ruggeri, UniBO, Civil engineering course in Analytical Mechanics)
- Laboratorio di Informatica (Prof. G. Servizi, UniBO, Physics course in C/C++ programming)

PSI Transport User Manual (pdf rewritten, searchable)